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Basics of Cyber Security
A comprehensive course in cyber security and ethical hacking typically covers a wide range of topics.
June 2024
6 Months
Offline / Online
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Skills you will acquire : Footprinting, Reconnaissance, Scanning and Enumeration, Vulnerability Assessment

The objectives of a cybersecurity course vary based onthe level of the course (undergraduate, postgraduate, or professionalcertification). Here are some common objectives:

  1. Foundational Knowledge:
    • Understand the basics of cybersecurity, including threats, vulnerabilities, and risk management.
    • Learn about different attack vectors and common security breaches.
  2. Security Fundamentals:
    • Explore principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA triad).
    • Understand access control mechanisms and authentication methods.
  3. Risk Assessment and Management:
    • Learn how to assess and prioritize security risks.
    • Develop skills in risk mitigation and incident response.
  4. Network Security:
    • Study network protocols, firewalls, and intrusion detection/prevention systems.
    • Understand secure network design and segmentation.
  5. Application Security:
    • Explore secure coding practices.
    • Learn about common vulnerabilities (e.g., SQL injection, cross-site scripting) and how to prevent them.
  6. Cryptographic Techniques:
    • Understand encryption algorithms, digital signatures, and secure key management.
    • Learn about cryptographic protocols (e.g., SSL/TLS).
  7. Security Policies and Compliance:
    • Explore legal and regulatory aspects of cybersecurity.
    • Understand privacy laws and compliance frameworks.
  8. Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing:
    • Learn about ethical hacking techniques.
    • Conduct penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities.
  9. Security Architecture and Design:
    • Study secure system architecture.
    • Learn about defense-in-depth strategies.
  10. Emerging Technologies and Trends:
    • Explore cloud security, IoT security, and mobile security.
    • Stay updated on the latest threats and security solutions.

Remember that cybersecurityis a dynamic field, and continuous learning is essential. Whether you’re astudent, professional, or aspiring cybersecurity expert, these objectivesprovide a roadmap for building strong security skills!


Prerequisties : This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking.

A comprehensive course in cybersecurity and ethical hacking typically covers a wide range of topics. Here's anoutline of the essential topics you can expect in such a course:

Fundamentalsof Cyber Security

  1. Introduction to Cyber Security
    • Definition and importance
    • Types of threats and attacks
    • Overview of cyber security principles
  2. Cyber Security Terminology
    • Key terms and concepts
    • Understanding common jargon and acronyms
  3. Cyber Security Policies and Procedures
    • Developing and implementing security policies
    • Incident response planning and management

EthicalHacking Techniques

  1. Introduction to Ethical Hacking
    • Ethical hacking principles and legal considerations
    • Differences between ethical hacking and malicious hacking
  2. Footprinting and Reconnaissance
    • Information gathering techniques
    • Tools for footprinting (e.g., WHOIS, Nmap, Maltego)
  3. Scanning and Enumeration
    • Network scanning techniques
    • Port scanning with tools like Nmap
    • Enumeration methods
  4. Vulnerability Assessment
    • Identifying and assessing vulnerabilities
    • Tools for vulnerability assessment (e.g., Nessus, OpenVAS)
  5. Exploitation
    • Exploit development and delivery
    • Common exploitation techniques
    • Tools for exploitation (e.g., Metasploit)
  6. Post-Exploitation Techniques
    • Maintaining access
    • Covering tracks
    • Data exfiltration

SpecializedModules in Cyber Security

  1. Web Application Security
    • Common web vulnerabilities (e.g., SQL injection, XSS)
    • Secure coding practices
    • Tools for web application testing (e.g., Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP)
  2. Wireless Network Security
    • Wireless encryption protocols (WEP, WPA, WPA2)
    • Attacks on wireless networks (e.g., deauthentication attacks, WPA cracking)
  3. Cryptography
    • Basics of encryption and decryption
    • Symmetric and asymmetric cryptography
    • Common cryptographic algorithms
  4. Malware Analysis
    • Types of malware (viruses, worms, ransomware)
    • Techniques for malware detection and analysis
    • Tools for malware analysis (e.g., IDA Pro, OllyDbg)
  5. Social Engineering
    • Understanding social engineering attacks
    • Techniques and prevention methods
    • Case studies and real-world examples
  6. Penetration Testing
    • Penetration testing methodologies
    • Phases of a penetration test (planning, discovery, attack, reporting)
    • Penetration testing tools and frameworks


  1. Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)
    • Understanding APTs
    • Detection and mitigation strategies
  2. Incident Response and Forensics
    • Incident handling procedures
    • Digital forensics techniques
    • Tools for incident response and forensics (e.g., EnCase, FTK)
  3. Cloud Security
    • Security considerations for cloud services
    • Cloud security best practices
    • Tools for cloud security
  4. IoT Security
    • Internet of Things (IoT) vulnerabilities
    • Securing IoT devices
    • Case studies of IoT security breaches


  1. Hands-on Labs and Simulations
    • Real-world scenarios and exercises
    • Virtual labs and Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges
  2. Certifications Preparation
    • Overview of relevant certifications (CEH, CISSP, CompTIA Security+, etc.)
    • Study tips and resources


By covering these topics, a cybersecurity and ethical hacking course equips students with the necessaryknowledge and skills to protect systems and networks from various threats andto ethically test their security measures.

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