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Full Stack Developer in ASP.NET C#
ASP.NET is a Microsoft web application development framework that allows to build dynamic web sites, web applications and web services
June 2024
6 Moths (Rapid)
Offline / Online
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Skills you will acquire : ASP.NET Core, C#, IIS, MSSQL, MongoDB, REST API,

The primary objective of a ".NET stack course" typically revolves around equipping participants with the skills and knowledge needed to develop applications using the Microsoft .NET technology stack. This stack commonly includes technologies such as:

  1. C# Programming Language: Understanding the fundamentals of C# is crucial as it is the primary language used in .NET development.

  2. ASP.NET: Learning about ASP.NET, including both ASP.NET Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC (Model-View-Controller), enables developers to build dynamic web applications.

  3. Entity Framework (EF): EF is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework that simplifies database interactions in .NET applications.

  4. ASP.NET Core: Given the shift towards cloud-native and cross-platform development, ASP.NET Core has become increasingly important. It allows developers to build modern, scalable web applications that can run on various platforms.

  5. .NET Core/.NET 5+: Understanding the basics of the .NET Core framework (which has evolved into .NET 5 and later versions) is essential for building cross-platform applications.

  6. Web APIs: Learning how to create RESTful APIs using technologies like ASP.NET Web API or ASP.NET Core Web API is crucial for building services that can be consumed by various clients, including web, mobile, and desktop applications.

  7. Frontend Technologies: While not strictly part of the .NET stack, familiarity with frontend technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is often included in .NET courses to provide a comprehensive understanding of web development.

  8. Database Connectivity: Understanding how to connect .NET applications to databases, both SQL-based (e.g., SQL Server) and NoSQL (e.g., MongoDB), is an essential aspect of .NET development.

  9. Deployment and Hosting: Learning how to deploy and host .NET applications on various platforms, including on-premises servers and cloud services like Azure, is another crucial aspect covered in .NET courses.

Overall, the objective of a .NET stack course is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to develop robust, scalable, and maintainable applications using the Microsoft .NET technology stack.

Prerequisties : Basic Website knowledge

A ".NET C# full stack course" typically covers a comprehensive range of topics to equip participants with the skills needed to develop full-stack web applications using the Microsoft .NET technology stack. Here's an outline of the key topics that might be included:

Backend Development (Server-side)

  1. Introduction to C# Programming Language: Basic syntax, data types, variables, control flow, and object-oriented programming concepts.
  2. ASP.NET Core MVC: Understanding the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern and building web applications using ASP.NET Core.
  3. Entity Framework Core: Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) for interacting with databases using C#.
  4. RESTful Web APIs: Building and consuming RESTful APIs using ASP.NET Core Web API.
  5. Authentication and Authorization: Implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms using ASP.NET Core Identity, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), OAuth, etc.
  6. Middleware and Filters: Working with middleware components and action filters in ASP.NET Core to handle cross-cutting concerns like logging, error handling, etc.
  7. Dependency Injection: Understanding and implementing dependency injection to promote loose coupling and improve testability.
  8. Testing: Writing unit tests and integration tests for ASP.NET Core applications using frameworks like xUnit, NUnit, or MSTest.
  9. Logging and Monitoring: Implementing logging and monitoring solutions using built-in ASP.NET Core features or third-party libraries.
  10. Error Handling: Strategies for handling and logging errors and exceptions in ASP.NET Core applications.

Frontend Development (Client-side)

  1. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Fundamentals of web development including HTML structure, CSS styling, and JavaScript programming.
  2. Client-side Frameworks: Introduction to frontend frameworks/libraries like React, Angular, or Vue.js and integrating them with ASP.NET Core.
  3. Razor Pages: Building dynamic web UIs using Razor Pages, a lightweight alternative to MVC in ASP.NET Core.
  4. AJAX and Fetch API: Making asynchronous requests to the server and updating UI dynamically using AJAX and Fetch API.
  5. Bootstrap or other CSS Frameworks: Styling web applications and ensuring responsiveness using CSS frameworks like Bootstrap.
  6. Client-side Validation: Implementing form validation on the client-side using JavaScript or frontend validation libraries.
  7. State Management: Managing client-side application state using techniques like local storage, session storage, or state management libraries.
  8. API Consumption: Consuming RESTful APIs from the frontend and handling responses using JavaScript.
  9. Single Page Applications (SPA): Building SPA applications using ASP.NET Core as a backend and a frontend framework like React, Angular, or Vue.js.

Tools and Deployment

  1. Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code: Working with IDEs for .NET development, debugging, and project management.
  2. Version Control: Using Git for version control and collaboration on projects.
  3. Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD): Setting up CI/CD pipelines using tools like Azure DevOps or GitHub Actions.
  4. Deployment to Azure: Deploying ASP.NET Core applications to Microsoft Azure cloud services.
  5. Docker and Containerization: Containerizing .NET applications using Docker for easier deployment and scalability.

Additional Topics

  1. Performance Optimization: Techniques for optimizing the performance of ASP.NET Core applications including caching, bundling, and minification.
  2. Security Best Practices: Ensuring application security by implementing best practices like input validation, output encoding, and HTTPS.
  3. Real-time Communication: Implementing real-time communication using SignalR for features like chat applications or live updates.
  4. Microservices Architecture: Understanding and implementing microservices architecture using .NET Core.
  5. Serverless Computing: Introduction to serverless computing using Azure Functions or AWS Lambda with .NET Core.
  6. Advanced C# Concepts: Exploring advanced C# features like asynchronous programming, LINQ, delegates, events, etc.

This outline provides a comprehensive overview of the topics typically covered in a ".NET C# full stack course". Depending on the course duration and specific learning objectives, the depth of coverage for each topic may vary

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